We all have self-doubt, we all suffer, we all fail from time to time, but none of that means we can’t live a life of meaning, purpose, and compassion for ourselves and others.
- Steven C. Hayes

How Can ACT Help?
Both ACT and CBT can help with a wide range of issues and which one is right for you mostly boils down to personal preference.
Perhaps you've explored CBT in the past, are interested in mindfulness or you're wanting to look a bit further: ACT is a great way to go!
If you'd like to discuss which approach is right for you, just fill in the form below and I'll get back to you within two working days.
What is ACT?
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, abbreviated to ACT (pronounced as the word) is a branch of CBT that focuses on accepting what is outside your control and taking committed action to do the things that matter to you, and make your life richer and more meaningful.
Unlike traditional CBT, there is no attempt to change or challenge our thoughts and emotions, because these are considered to be a normal human experience. The understanding is that our attempts to control, change or avoid difficult or painful thoughts and feelings lead to more distress and makes our lives feel worse.
Instead of trying to control our thoughts and emotions, we focus on noticing them, accept them as they are and not get wrapped up in them. By learning how to be fully present and engaged we can take effective action, guided by our values and be more like the person we want to be. By doing this, life generally feels more meaningful and our thoughts and feelings can change as a ‘side effect’.